(Български) Фондация Капитал приключи изпълнението на медиен проект
Capital Foundation starts a project under the Operational Program “Good Governance”

Capital Foundation begins the implementation of the project “Quality media – quality information – quality civil society” financed under contract No. BG05SFOP001-2.025-0010-С01 for the provision of non-grant financial assistance under the Operational Program “Good Governance”. The contract is under procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 “Increasing civil participation in the processes of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation”. […]
Capital Foundation launches EU Cohesion Policy project

The Capital Foundation has launched a project to raise awareness about the Cohesion Policy of the European Union. Leading organization in the one-year project is Euractiv, Brussels, funded by the European Commission, the Directorate of Regional and Urban Policy. More than 10 partners – from France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, […]
Cornelius Adebahr: If everybody does as they please, then it is not a union

If German citizens don’t see the situation in Poland and Hungary being put in order, there is a high likelihood of Euroscepticism rising, says German foreign policy expert Cornelius Adebahr. Author: Zuzana Gabrižová, EURACTIV Slovakia Cornelius Adebahr is a political analyst focusing on European foreign policy and entrepreneur based in Berlin, Germany. He is an associate fellow […]
Unfulfilled expectations fuel euroscepticism, shows research
Unfulfilled expectations are the main driving force behind the euroscepticism in both old and new member states of the European Union. What differs is the type of expectations people had – while Westerners expected Easterners to behave according to the true european values (such as solidarity, or zero corruption tolerance), Eastern Europeans expected to become […]
A competition for innovative farmer organized by Capital and Economedia

A competition for innovative farmer of the year is organized by Capital and Economedia. The competition is part of a project to promote the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, co-funded by the European Commission. The right to participate has physical and legal persons active in the sphere of agriculture on the territory of […]
Debate: How close should European agro subsidies be linked to the environmental requirements?
In the current programming period, one of the major objectives of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy is to support activities that limit harmful impacts on the environment and the fight against climate change. Thus, 30% of direct payments are “green” and some of the funds under the rural development program are dedicated to practices […]
Как да постигнем повече публичност, капацитет и устойчивост за нашия проект

Имате добра идея, намирате подходяща възможност за нейното грантово финансиране, но не сте одобрени, защото вашето проектно предложение не е получило достатъчен брой точки. Познато ви е, нали? И на нас. Партньорството, кооперирането и работата в мрежи са една от тенденциите в работата на неправителствените организации, която все по-често е предпоставка за успешна реализация […]
Capital Foundation launched a project under the Europe for Citizens Programme

Capital Foundation started the implementation of a project for debating euroscepticism in Bulgaria. The “CODES – Comprehending and Debating Euroscepticism” project is funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European union and is implemented by an international consortium of eight organizations representing seven countries. Leading partner is the Comenius University in Bratislava, and […]
Completion of the project “Sustainable Biodiversity”
Twenty volunteers trained to collect and send data to the National System for Biodiversity Monitoring (NBMS); special online section; special publication promoting NBMS; photo competition; more informed and more engaged audience with the problems of biodiversity in Bulgaria. These are the results of the project „Sustainable Biodiversity ‘ realized by Capital foundation. The project lasted […]